Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yes, they can. (And they did.)

Sickening story in the Guardian about China holding the Copenhagen talks hostage — and the rest of the world caving to its homicidal demands.


"China knows it is becoming an uncontested superpower; indeed its newfound muscular confidence was on striking display in Copenhagen. Its coal-based economy doubles every decade, and its power increases commensurately. Its leadership will not alter this magic formula unless they absolutely have to."

So, two words: Boycott China.

Of course, that's not 100% possible anymore, since the world has made China its exclusive manufacturer for many of the daily basics people consume. But a boycott is 80% possible. Maybe even 90%. The world must strike back against the Empire.

Friday, December 18, 2009

"You're ridiculous"

From Politico: "Jim Inhofe gets cool reception in Denmark."

Yep, the climate change-denying senator from Oklahoma flew all the way to Copenhagen to deliver his message of "nothing to worry about" to — well, to pretty much no one but a group of reporters who didn't know who the babbling fool at the top of the staircase was.

But they did know what he is.

“[The hoax of global warming] started in the United Nations,” Inhofe said, “and the ones in the United States who really grab ahold of this is [sic] the Hollywood elite.”

[A German] reporter... told the senator: “You’re ridiculous.”


Monday, December 14, 2009

And a big FU! from North America

Here's a Google Map showing the number of votes that have come in from citizens demanding strong, binding agreements from the "leaders" currently butting heads in Copenhagen. Europe, which has experienced killer heat waves: nearly 60,000 people. Africa, in the process of being scorched to death: 125,000 people. Asia, where coastal nations are likely to become memories: over a million people. Australia, in perpetual drought and at risk of becoming a deserted continent: 25,000 people. South America, with its glaciers disappearing and many nations having no other water source: 13,000 people.

And North America, where Fox News reigns in the United States, and where Canadians still see snow out their windows, and where Mexico just wants the drug murders to stop: 7,600 people. That's roughly the population of New York City back when the United States was being founded.

And that's really all there is to say about this. The map says it all.

Monday, December 07, 2009

A tale of two headlines

Today in the Huffington Post:

"56 Papers in 45 Countries Publish Joint Editorial On Climate Change: 'A Profound Emergency.'"

Today on NPR:

"For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue."

This will be the history that gets written — if there's anyone left to read it. Meanwhile, life will be good as long as we continue believing in the really important stuff.