Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Post(s) Coming!

The blog/book hasn't died. But summer greenery has come to life, and I've been swamped* planning it, buying it, planting it, staking it, recycling all of the packaging.... And soon enough, sadly, harvesting all of the food. The planting/growing season in Michigan appears to be "off" by 30-40 days, and corn that should be about calf-high is already above the knee, while tomatoes are either flowering or producing fruit, in some cases two months ahead of time. Meanwhile, there's a foot-high stack of research on my desk, coming very soon to a blog page near you.

* Literally - it's been raining excessively, and the storms have been violent and unpredictable. But we're better off than our friends in Iowa, where 83 of 99 counties have been declared disaster zones (although FEMA, moving slowly, will only confirm 14 so far).

1 comment:

Some Guy said...


You may have heard about this on the radio, but I thought you'd wanna see: